The Joy of Christ

What do you get when you have 12 metric tons of maize flour, 300 heads of cabbage, 3 tons of beans, 5 butchered cows, 6,000 of the poorest of the poor, and a great hunger for Jesus? – Revival!
Our Iris International Directors, Rolland Baker, and Supresa Sithole, joined with our own Malawian national leaders, and visitors from Mozambique and South Africa to ‘love on the poor.’ People were trucked in from the remote areas throughout the southern district of Malawi; others, in determination to reach Bangula, walked for hours and even days just to be where Jesus is being preached. They arrived hungry and were quickly served a bowl of maize porridge.
It was exciting to have some of our new Pastor friends from the flood zone in Mozambique join us. They had traveled 14 hours by bicycle – one arrived bloody because of an accident, but after he was bandaged up he eagerly entered into the worship and poured out his heart to Jesus. These pastors were with us in Mutarara assisting with distribution in the refugee camps and spreading the Good News. There were 21 churches in Mutarara district when the floods came. After the work of Iris ministering in the refugee camps and taking food to the hungry, they report to us that there are now 42 churches. Revival! The Traditional Authority that I have written about in the past is working with the Iris pastors and being transformed by God as he opens up his heart to the Lord.

Rolland opens up the conference preaching about joy. How the church throughout the world needs the joy of Christ today! The people before us have suffered greatly over the last six months with hunger and floods. Each day there are teaching sessions and people come desperate for a touch from Jesus. Those who are hungry are filled. Many people from Bangula hear what is happening and watch from the sidelines. Some are touched by the message and move forward to give their hearts to Jesus. Everyday the Spirit of God is poured out. Even without an invitation people rush to the front to receive a touch from the Lord. We pray for the people and watch as the Lord has His way with them – pouring out His love upon them – loving them with new life. Later we hear testimonies of sicknesses being healed, people being delivered from demons, and others being filled with an overwhelming joy. But the greatest miracle is witnessing the hundreds who decide to follow Jesus. Jesus has captured their hearts and a river of joy floods his people.

A boy named Gift finds me and I welcome him to come up with me on the stage. He joins in the rhythm of the choir and dances in step with them with all his might. His face radiates joy as he celebrates what the Lord has done for him. Just two years ago he had club feet and moved about on his hands and knees. Since that time the Lord has healed him through surgery at CURE Hospital in Blantyre. Now Gift is a new boy. The old has gone, the new has come. As we call for testimonies, his mother shares with the thousands how Jesus has healed her son and changed his life. With tears of joy she gives thanks to God for his great love.
Our national leaders here in Malawi are saying that this was the best conference yet! I believe them. Why? Because Jesus keeps making all things new. As we continue to seek after Him, He reveals more and more of His glory. The Lord loves the poor in spirit – whether it’s the one who lives in a Malawi bush village or the one in the wealthiest house in the west. The Lord loves the ones who seek Him with all of their heart. The writer of Hebrews encourages us: ‘Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of throne of God.’ People everywhere know all about enduring, and they know all about shame, but what do they know of joy, faith, and the glorious throne of God? There we will all gather to worship the Lamb upon the throne. This week we have had a small taste of what that will be like. And we say, ‘Hallellujah!’
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